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Journey Announces Multi-Year Partnership with ACCA UK to Drive Innovation in Accounting

Journey Announces Multi-Year Partnership with ACCA UK to Drive Innovation in Accounting

Journey has entered a multi-year partnership with ACCA UK. This collaboration will focus on two key initiatives aimed at enhancing professional growth.

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Journey Announces Multi-Year Partnership with ACCA UK to Drive Innovation in Accounting

Journey has entered a multi-year partnership with ACCA UK. This collaboration will focus on two key initiatives aimed at enhancing professional growth.

New collaboration to deliver national roadshows and member benefits focused on the future of accounting tech.

Journey, the leading GTM agency for accounting-tech, is proud to announce a strategic partnership with leading global accountancy body ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. This multi-year partnership will see Journey become an events partner for ACCA UK, organising national roadshows and providing exclusive member benefits through access to innovative software solutions.

Journey, renowned for its expertise in go-to-market strategies for accounting technology, has entered a multi-year partnership with ACCA UK. This collaboration will focus on two key initiatives aimed at enhancing the professional growth and technological advancement of ACCA UK members.

The first initiative involves Journey taking on the role of an events partner for ACCA. This partnership will kick off with the 'Accounting Futures' roadshow in October, which will tour six locations across the UK. The roadshow will feature industry experts discussing critical themes such as People, Process, Technology, and Sustainability. Attendees will gain valuable insights and learn directly from peers about building resilient and future-ready accounting practices.

"We are thrilled to partner with ACCA UK on these national roadshows," said Jordan Vickery, Global Director & Head of EMEA at Journey. "Our goal is to provide ACCA members with unparalleled opportunities to engage with industry leaders, explore innovative technology, and equip themselves with the knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape of accounting."

In addition to the events, Journey will collaborate with ACCA UK to offer exclusive member benefits. By leveraging its portfolio of innovative software vendors, Journey aims to provide ACCA UK members with access to the latest technological advancements designed to support their firms and clients effectively.

"Partnering with Journey allows us to deliver significant value to our members," said Mark Jackson, Partnership Development Manager at ACCA UK. "The combination of expert-led events and cutting-edge technology solutions will empower our members to stay ahead in the dynamic field of accounting."

Last year's roadshow organised by Journey attracted over 500 ACCA members from various UK locations, demonstrating the strong interest and demand for such initiatives. This new partnership aims to build on that success and further support ACCA members in their professional journey.

About Journey
Journey is the leading GTM agency for accounting tech globally. SaaS leaders work with Journey to accelerate revenue growth, scale brand awareness and eliminate wasteful spend using 30+ years of proven playbooks, industry knowledge and global connections.

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Journey Announced as Marketing Partner To Help Launch Tax Torch

Journey have been announced as the marketing partner to help launch Tax Torch in order to revolutionise real-time tax planning for accounting professionals.

Collaboration aims to transform personal tax planning for accounting professionals in the UK.

London, UK, [10th July]: Journey, the leading go-to-market (GTM) agency for accounting-tech, is proud to announce its partnership with Tax Torch, a real-time and proactive personal tax planning product set to launch in September/October 2024. This partnership aims to provide accounting professionals with new tools to deliver personal tax planning at scale.

Tax Torch offers a suite of features designed to simplify and enhance the tax planning process, allowing accountants to deliver proactive advice and real-time updates to their clients. This innovative product is expected to set a new standard in the industry, helping firms & their clients to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving financial landscape.

"Journey is excited to support Tax Torch in their mission to transform tax planning," said Jordan Vickery, Global Director & Head of EMEA at Journey. "Our experience with over 20 vendors across the UK, Australia, and the United States positions us perfectly to help drive the success of this innovative product in the accounting channel."

Robert Davidson, Co-Founder of Tax Torch, added, "Partnering with Journey ensures that our product reaches the right audience and achieves its full potential. Their expertise in the accounting-tech market is invaluable as we prepare for our launch."

About Journey

Journey is the leading GTM agency for accounting tech globally. SaaS leaders work with Journey to accelerate revenue growth, scale brand awareness and eliminate wasteful spend using 30+ years of proven playbooks, industry knowledge and global connections.

About Tax Torch

Tax Torch is a new cloud-based personal tax planning product, combining an individual's personal income, business performance and goals. Tax Torch aims to create consistency and value while lowering the barriers of entry and making easy tax planning available to all.

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Journey partners with Digital Accountancy Show to accelerate show growth and support exhibitors

Journey teams up with Digital Accountancy Show to enhance event growth and exhibitor engagement.

Journey, the leading go-to-market (GTM) agency specialising in accounting technology, is excited to announce a strategic marketing partnership with the Digital Accountancy Show. This collaboration aims to drive attendee growth for the show and offer exclusive support packages to exhibitors, to ensure they maximise their ROI. 

The Digital Accountancy Show, now heading into its fifth year after four consecutive sell-out shows, is poised to continue its growth as a staple part of the UK accounting events calendar, with Journey acting as its marketing engine. 

As well as handling all aspects of marketing for the show, Journey will also be supporting the show's 100+ exhibitors with exclusive support packages, including product messaging, stand design, pre-show communications, and follow-up strategies.

"Having worked with Dan and the team in a consulting capacity for 4 years as their Head of Content, it makes complete sense for Journey and our incredible agency team to step in to support the show's ambitious growth targets and plans for 2025” said Jordan Vickery, Global Director and Head of EMEA at Journey. "With our experience supporting 20+ vendors globally with their GTM, we’re also in a great position to be able to support the show's exhibitors to ensure they maximise their value from the event with clear positioning, marketing, and exhibition design"

Dan Cockerton, Founder of the Digital Accountancy Show, added, "Journey's proven track record in the accounting tech space makes them the perfect partner for us. Their approach and deep understanding of our profession will undoubtedly help us take the show to new heights in 2025."

You can learn more about the packages available for exhibitors here. 

About Journey

Journey is the leading GTM agency for accounting tech globally. SaaS leaders work with Journey to accelerate revenue growth, scale brand awareness and eliminate wasteful spend using 30+ years of proven playbooks, industry knowledge and global connections.

About Digital Accountancy Show

The Digital Accountancy Show is your front row seat to the future of accounting & finance. Join them on the 1st and 2nd April 2025 in London to join 4000+ of your peers at the leading technology conference like no other.

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Australian Accounting Events Suck! But They Don’t Need To

How do we revamp Australian accounting events for maximum impact, and how did we get here?

Australian accounting events are in a dire state. I'm not here to highlight the problems; I'm here to advocate for real change. 

The current landscape is bleak – events are becoming increasingly stale, un-engaging, and frankly, a complete waste of time and resources.

Vendors are pouring money into events that accountants and bookkeepers simply don't want to attend. More concerning is the trend of every vendor wanting to host their own event next year. I've heard this sentiment echoed at least nine times in the last three months alone. This is a recipe for disaster – a proliferation of micro-events all vying for the attention of the same audience, leading to even more poorly attended gatherings.

The content being served up is underwhelming at best, often feeling like a rehashed webinar from the week prior. Like many of you, I'm utterly fed up with the same old talks and lacklustre networking opportunities.

So, what's the solution? Here are a few thoughts on how conference organisers can truly shake things up:

1. Cut the Crap (Content)

We need real, actionable content. No more theoretical fluff. Give us the nitty-gritty details on how to navigate significant changes within a firm, such as exiting a partner, buying into a firm, or flipping 3,000 clients to the cloud. Show us the step-by-step process, the challenges faced, and how they were overcome. Don't just tell us the grass is greener; show us how to tend to the soil.

2. Networking That Matters (Hold my gin)

It's time to rethink networking. We need curated meetups with purpose, not just awkward gatherings with a limited bar tab. 

Create environments where meaningful conversations can happen, and ensure there's a fun element too. Accountants and bookkeepers want to enjoy themselves, not shout over a dated rock band or play pin the tail on the idiot.

3. Hands-On Skill Workshops (Deep & Practical)

Attendees should leave with practical skills they can immediately apply. Workshops should cover mastering accounting tech usage, effective client communication strategies, and navigating complex regulatory changes. Real skills for real-world application are what's needed.

The frustration from both vendors and professionals is palpable. Conference organisers have the budget and capability, yet often seem out of touch or too focused on who's paying for stage time. I understand it's a business, but it's high time for a change. The heavily discounted stands I've seen recently are a clear indicator that it's time to either step up or step out.

We're at a tipping point. It's time to transform these events from snooze-fests into valuable, engaging experiences that truly add value to our professional lives. Let's not settle for mediocrity. It's time for a revolution in Australian accounting events.

Following this call to action, a question has been circulating:

"Trent, I hear you're running your own accounting events this year. Is that true?"

Let me address this directly:

No, I'm not.

At this point in time, I'm not remotely interested.

If last year I vocalised how dire the state of accounting events is in Australia (and some of you mentioned abroad as well), then it stands to reason that adding more events into the mix is not the solution we need.

So, no.

Not right now. The last thing I want to do is add the wrong fuel to this already blazing fire.

What we need is a reset, which, in my opinion, means fewer events, not more. A few of these large-scale events will need to fail and exit the scene first. We need to let the dust settle, focus on our businesses, our client work, and perhaps then we'll be ready for something new.

The draw card for future events should not just be innovative content. The need for community, fun, and bringing people together will likely be a bigger attraction. Building connections and shared learning experiences with your crew holds more value than a big-box event with 100 talks, where 70% come with a sales pitch disclaimer.

So, if you've been wondering what my stance is on the future of accounting events, there you have it. Now you know.

The path forward should be about quality, not quantity. We need to create spaces where real learning, meaningful connections, and genuine enjoyment are the priorities. Let's focus on making the few events we do have count, rather than flooding the calendar with more of the same. It's time for a change, and it starts with us demanding more from the events we choose to invest our time and resources in.

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The Golden Rule of SaaS Pricing: Keep It Simple, Idiot!

Simplify your SaaS pricing for clarity and growth. Break free from complexity. Your customers deserve transparency.

If your client can't figure out how much your SaaS app will cost them in the next 5-10 seconds, we've got a problem. Okay, okay, I'm not really mad. I still love you. But let's be real, pricing for your SaaS needs to be as simple as ABC for everyone involved - prospects, leads, and your loyal customers.

Just yesterday, I found myself tangled in two separate conversations about pricing. Despite our best intentions, we often end up in the same predicament. It seems we're caught between a rock and a hard place, trying to extract maximum value or making it easy for clients to scale with our solution. Ironically, figuring out the price turns out to be the hardest part.

Here's the thing - customers don't lose sleep over the mechanics of your pricing. What keeps them up at night is wondering:

- How much is this going to cost me every month?

- How does this fit into my budget?

- Does the cost justify the value I'm expecting to receive?

- Is this price set in stone, or should I expect some surprises?

If your client is scratching their head trying to work out your pricing, you're already on the back foot. They're not pondering whether to buy; they're stuck on "how much does this thing cost?"

So, what's the fix? I won't sugarcoat it - pricing is a beast. 

You've got a ballpark figure of what you want to make. You've got estimates on product usage. So, draw a line in the sand and present a three-tier package: small usage + users, medium + advanced functionality, and large + custom options.

Aim to place your desired average monthly recurring revenue (MRR) at either the entry-level or the middle tier, then upsell the rest. Granted, this advice is pretty broad and might not fit everyone's bill. And if it doesn't work for you? 

Well, that's not my problem. 😂

But if you're constantly getting feedback that your pricing model is as clear as mud, it's time for a rethink. Yes, simplifying your pricing is tough. But right now, you're making it tough for your customers or potential customers. We need to shift the burden from them to us.

And you know what? That's perfectly fine. You're resilient. You're capable. You'll crack this nut. So, here's to making things simpler. For everyone.

Transparency is key. Your pricing structure shouldn't be a puzzle that clients need to solve. It should be straightforward, allowing them to quickly assess the value of your product against its cost. This clarity not only enhances the customer experience but also builds trust. When clients feel confident in understanding what they're paying for, they're more likely to invest in your product.

Moreover, consider the psychological aspect of decision-making. 

A complex pricing model can lead to decision fatigue, where too many options or unclear costs lead to indecision or avoidance. Simplifying your pricing not only aids in quicker decision-making but also reduces the cognitive load on your clients, making them more inclined to proceed with a purchase.

So, take a hard look at your pricing model. 

Is it as clear as daylight? Does it facilitate or hinder your sales process? 

Remember, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for your clients to say "yes." By demystifying your pricing, you're not just easing their decision-making process; you're also setting the stage for a smoother customer journey and, ultimately, fostering long-term relationships.

Happy hunting, and good luck. Remember, keep it simple, idiot!

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What did SaaS vendors get right in their GTM strategy in 2023?

Discover key GTM insights from Journey's 2023 success with global Accounting SaaS vendors.

In 2023 we worked with more than 20 vendors. We helped them to execute their GTM strategy in the accounting industry here in Australia, the United Kingdom, South Africa and North America. 

Over the last 12 months I saw a lot of things that worked really well. And I saw a lot of things that made me want to bang my head against the wall until the pain went away.

At Journey, we've had a big year of experimentation and strategy refinement. 

Today I’m breaking down my key takeaways from 2023 on what worked well for the Accounting SaaS community, or at least for the vendors we were working with.

My goal here, whether you work with Journey or not, is to help you think through all the areas of your GTM strategy, what are you gaps, what is your opportunity and what are you digging into in Q1 of 2024 to get back on track. 

Let’s break it down.

1. Deeply Understand Your Customer

It's startling how many businesses overlook this. 

Last year, we went the extra mile by asking our clients' customers about their product usage, the problems it solves, and their overall experience. 

Our approach was comprehensive. We conducted detailed interviews and surveys, asking pointed questions about how they use our clients' products, the specific problems these products solve, and their overall experience. 

This wasn't a superficial exercise; we delved into the nuances of their responses, seeking to understand not just the 'what' but the 'why' behind their usage.

The insights gained from this exercise were eye-opening. We learned that what we thought were the key features of a product weren't always aligned with the customer's perspective.

In some cases, features we considered minor were actually making a significant impact on the customers' day-to-day operations. This revelation was a game-changer in how we approached messaging and positioning for our clients.

You absolutely need to start the year by doing customer research. Write it down.

We offer this as a service and would be more then happy to show you through how we were able to capture over 400 pieces of product feedback in the past few months for our clients.

2. Active and Diverse Funnel Activities

How often are you engaging with your prospects?

Relying on a single channel for marketing is a strategy that will likely fail. It's important to keep a mix of activities – both big and small – to maintain a healthy and consistent funnel.

Social media alone won't cut it, email marketing alone doesn't cut it, that FaceBook group that had 7 people tag your solution alone doesn't cut it.

The magic happens when these channels work together. 

Imagine a potential customer seeing your brand on social media, then receiving a well-crafted email that addresses their specific needs, followed by an invitation to an exclusive webinar. 

This approach creates multiple touchpoints, each reinforcing the other, and keeps your brand top-of-mind for prospects. The same happens when you start partnering with other brands that operate in the same channel.

Moreover, this strategy allows for flexibility and adaptability. 

Different segments of your audience might prefer different channels, and a multi-channel approach lets you cater to these preferences. 

It also enables you to test and learn which combinations of channels and content types work best for different audience segments.

This is a core offering at Journey. This is the majority of work we are rolling out and implementing for our clients at the moment.

3. A Disciplined Sales Team

The effectiveness of your sales team hinges on their structure and discipline. 

We've seen the best results when roles are clearly defined – for instance, separating the responsibilities of SDRs (Sales Development Representatives) and BDMs (Business Development Managers). 

Having someone do both the SDR work and BDM work, as in, all the call and all the demos will be ineffective, compared to 2 people splitting the work and focusing on just making calls and/or just doing demos.

This specialisation allows each team member to focus and excel in their area, significantly improving efficiency and deal closures.

Keep it simple and the results will flow. I do a lot of consulting on sales functions and getting this process right. 

We’ve seen amazing results with some clients seeing a 206% lift in revenue in 2023 alone after we made changes to their sales and marketing flow.

4. Innovative Customer Interactions

Customer engagement methods are evolving rapidly. 

We've embraced webinars, interactive demos, and other innovative interaction methods to keep our engagements memorable and accessible. 

Webinars, for instance, offer a platform not just for education but for prospect interaction. 

They allow you to delve into key themes and topics, showcase your expertise, and most importantly, engage in real-time with your audience. 

Similarly, interactive website demos have transformed from standard presentations to dynamic, tailored experiences where prospects can see firsthand how your solutions can solve their specific problems straight on the website, before they’ve even spoken to anyone.

Integrating these interactions with your CRM can provide invaluable insights and streamline your sales processes.

We implemented a number of interactive demo’s last year and the results were crazy, in the first month alone, a brand new solution we helped launch had 400 interactions inside the first 30 days, before converting roughly 20% - without even speaking to the on the phone.

5. Seamless Transition Between Teams

A critical yet often neglected aspect is the handover between marketing, sales, and customer success teams. 

This transition should be smooth and well-coordinated, with each team understanding their role in the customer journey. Automating these handovers in your CRM can prevent manual errors and ensure a seamless experience.

By automating the process, you eliminate the risk of human error – no more missed emails or forgotten follow-ups. 

This automation ensures that every piece of critical information is captured and made available to the right team at the right time. 

Furthermore, it allows for a smoother transition of the customer through different phases of their journey, from initial engagement with marketing to sales negotiation, and finally to ongoing support from the customer success team.

6. A Functioning CRM: The Heart of Sales and Marketing

Last year, I encountered too many SaaS vendors struggling with disconnected systems. A cohesive CRM system is non-negotiable. 

It should be the central hub where your sales and marketing efforts converge and should be well-integrated with your website and other tools.

We’re officially Hubspot implementation partners. This is our weapon of choice but we play nice with all systems. We find Hubspot does an amazing job of bringing visibility and cohesion in your GTM team. 

Final thoughts

These insights are more than just observations; they are the foundation of a robust GTM strategy. 

If your current GTM strategy doesn't align with these points, it's time for a change. 

At Journey, we specialise in crafting and refining these strategies to help you scale your sales and marketing efforts.

If you're looking to enhance your approach in 2024, let's have a conversation. 

This is what we do

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Journey Partners with Translucent to Revolutionise Multi-Entity Accounting: A Global Leap Forward

Journey partners with Translucent, transforming Xero into a top-tier multi-entity solution, leveraging our growth marketing expertise.

Translucent, the software that turns Xero into a multi-entity accounting solution, has chosen Journey, the growth marketing agency for accounting-tech, as a global partner.

Translucent turns your existing accounting software into a multi-entity accounting solution. Translucent consolidates accounting data to create a single source of truth and gives you all the multi-entity apps you need – including Group Reporting, Intercompany, Bank Consolidation, Multi-Entity Search and Live Sheets. 

Translucent was founded by Michael Wood (Co-Founder Receipt Bank, aka Dext) and is backed by prominent names from the accounting industry including  Craig Walker (Co-Founder Xero & Former CTO), Gary Turner (Former MD of Xero EMEA), Guy Pearson (Co-Founder Ignition) and  Jamie McDonald (Co-Founder Hubdoc).

Journey will play a central role in launching Translucent across international markets. With its deep expertise in the SaaS and accounting tech sectors, Journey has already helped launch XBert as a household name with 206% revenue growth, while client Dashboard Insights recently won “Practice App of the Year” at the Xero Awards in Australia.  

“I’ve experienced first-hand the problems that multi-entity businesses face so I am delighted to be able to bring to market a one-stop-solution for multi-entity businesses. Given Journey’s expertise and experience they were the natural partners to help us shape and supercharge our ambitious growth plans.” says Michael Wood, CEO and Founder at Translucent.

Trent McLaren and Jordan Vickery of Journey will also serve as brand ambassadors for Translucent, leveraging their extensive industry experience and networks to promote Translucent's innovative solutions and expand its global presence.

“Translucent has the potential to be a true game changer in the world of financial software – this is very much not ‘just another app’. We believe that for many teams it will soon be ‘the’ app,” adds Trent McLaren, Director at Journey. 

About Translucent

Translucent turns your existing accounting software into a multi-entity accounting solution.

Founded by CEO Michael Wood, who had previously co-founded Dext, (formerly Receipt Bank). Launched in 2022, London-based Translucent has to-date raised £7.7M from LocalGlobe, Chalfen Ventures and angel investors, including Gary Turner and Craig Walker (both from Xero), as well as founders from fintech and accounting tech leaders including GoCardless, Jeeves, Karbon, Libeo, ComplyAdvantage, Ignition, Hubdoc and KashFlow.

About Journey

Journey, a pioneering growth agency, specialises in unlocking and scaling revenue streams for accounting technology companies across the globe. 

Established by industry veterans Trent Mclaren, Liss McLaren and Jordan Vickery,  the agency brings over 30 years of combined expertise in the accounting tech sector to the table. Journey functions as an extension of your team, acting as the in-house growth marketing arm for accounting tech companies. Their mission is to not only boost revenue but also to forge enduring brands, making a worldwide impact in the accounting industry. 

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Hurray, it’s another agency rebrand! Why Journey’s relaunched brand is more re-energised than rehashed

A complete transformation that mirrors the disruptive spirit of our accounting tech clients

Rebrands can be such a bore! Wow, you changed your logo and chose a slightly different corporate blue pantone for your website – *slow hand clap* Well done you! But every now and then, a rebrand comes along that does it RIGHT. A rethink that’s not just a cosmetic airbrushing of the existing brand, but a complete rethink of the style, attitude and ethos of the brand.

Journey is launching its new brand with a bang. We’re the same cutting-edge growth marketing agency we always were – with a razor-sharp focus on the accounting technology market. But now we’re wearing new threads and walking a new walk.

Dive into www.letsjourney.io and see just why we stand out from the crowd, and how we’re more motivated than ever to help accounting tech startups become industry rock stars.

A refreshed brand with a punk-rock attitude

A rebrand isn’t about commissioning an expensive new logo. A good rebrand builds on previous successes by re-focusing the mission, vision and clarity of what your brand’s about. So, if you’re going to do more than just tick the usual boxes, you need a sharp focus on your customers. 

Journey’s customers are accounting tech founders, disruptive innovators who’ve shaken up the industry. They spot a niche, develop never-before-seen technology and disrupt the market. It was only fitting to match that energy with the new Journey brand and to crank it up to 11. 

Our new brand is all about blending the rebellion and disruptive spirit of these punk-rock innovators, with clear, no-nonsense visuals and content that tells it how it is.

We keep things simple, but we also fire up the energy and drive for growth that’s the lifeblood of any great accounting tech startup. The brand reflects the SaaS founder’s drive for independence and disruption. But we temper this with deep knowledge, incredible industry insights and content that truly brings a startup's story to life.

We infuse our content with the energy of a punk rock concert, where the audience feels the adrenaline, the passion, and the exhilaration of being part of a movement.

But we also dial down the volume, slip some yacht rock onto the stereo and bring things down to basics – setting the marketing foundations for solid, dependable growth and revenues. 

Fire up the new rebranded site and see for yourself how Journey has changed.

Three ways Journey powers up growth for accounting tech startups

Our mission is clear: Journey 2.0 is here to unleash scalable growth for accounting tech startups across the globe. We’ve got the knowledge of the industry, the tried-and-tested strategies, and a team who know the accounting industry like the back of their hand.

At Journey, we've cracked the code to scaling-up accounting tech apps. With 30+ years of combined industry leadership between us, we're here to help ambitious startups crank it up to 11 – from Seed to Series C and beyond. 

What’s it like working with Journey? Our three-point approach is the engine room of our clients’ growth, helping them switch from organic growth to hyper-growth scale-up in the blink of an eye.

These three pillars are what delivers accounting tech growth:

1. We pull back the cover on your customers & product

  • Because your customers hold the answers to your messaging and positioning
  • Customer research to get a razor-sharp look at what makes your ideal customers tick
  • Product immersion to understand exactly how you solve their biggest pain points
  • Updated messaging based on how you’re uniquely positioned to help them

2. Assemble your strategy & growth team

  • We build the growth unit you need for your goals & product
  • Sprint-strategising to create a plan we can start testing & measuring
  • Carefully curated channels based on where we think you’re best taking centre stage
  • A team of strategists, specialists, and executors assembled and assigned to you

3. No-holds-barred execution and iteration

  • We execute, learn, adjust, and go again until we find your leverage
  • Daily execution against the plan to start finding traction
  • Constant review & thirst for improvement to double down on what’s working
  • We’re in your Slack, attending your stand-ups, integrating as part of your in-house team

Shaking up the accounting tech industry, with the skills to pay the bills

Just like all the best punk idols, we don’t hold back when talking about our skills. We’re a global team of accounting aficionados, who know this industry inside out. That knowledge, network and experience is what gives our accounting tech clients a gigantic competitive advantage.

Collectively, we’ve spent three decades scaling SaaS companies across Australasia, Europe and North America. Our team is made up of strategic leaders, growth marketers, creative designers, copywriters and bespoke services for turbocharging your growth.

Check out our About Us page to learn our story and meet the dream team.

Journey: writing the next chapter for accounting tech

The accounting tech industry has evolved at a stratospheric rate in the past decade. Journey is here to write the next chapter in the story, turning the cream of the accounting tech crop into industry superstars and driving the next wave in the accounting technology revolution.

Strap in. Get ready. Crank up the volume. We’re going on a Journey!

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From Rebel Spirit to Brand Revolution: Journey's Punk Rebrand

The journey behind our brand's punk-inspired transformation — fusing innovation, rebellion, and authenticity.

Rebranding is more than a facelift; it's a fundamental transformation of a brand’s soul and identity. For Journey, the leap from a quick solution logo to a symbol of exponential growth mirrors our own radical evolution. It's here where our rebranding story unfolds.

The Catalyst for Change

From Initial Sketch to Strategic Overhaul

What began as a modest image refresh swiftly transformed into a profound self-examination of our identity, echoing the essence of Journey itself.

It started as a simple notion of 'let's tweak our image,' but quickly evolved into a profound introspection of who we truly serve and why.

This transformative journey was driven not just by our creative specialists but also by our founder, Trent, who questioned why a team of 20 innovative minds working for clients worldwide wouldn't leverage their own strengths. He emphasised the opportunity for deeper collaboration on a project close to our hearts.

The Vision

  • Weeks 1-2: Ideation and Conceptualisation
  • Months 1-2: In-depth Market Research and Client Interviews
  • Months 3-4: Design, Feedback Loops, and Iterations
  • Month 5: Finalisation and Rollout Preparation

The Reality

  • Weeks 1-2: Ideation and Conceptualisation
  • Months 1-4: Freak Out, Creative Self-Doubt, Break Down, Cry Lots of Tears, See Therapist.
  • Month 5: Receive Positive Feedback, Cancel Therapist, Finalisation and Rollout Preparation

I’ve always found it harder to design things for yourself. It’s hard to be objective, and the possibilities are endless. 

Designing Growth: The New Logo

Our new logo was more than a visual exercise; it was an embodiment of our mission and a symbol of the clients we proudly champion. Our logo's design is an exploration of the profound journey we undertake with our partners, and it carries a narrative that unfolds in layers of symbolism.

Symbolism of the Logo: Reflecting Our Clients' Journey

Embedded within our logo is the sequence of '1, 2, to 4,' a visual representation of exponential growth—a fundamental principle that drives our collaborative efforts with clients. 

It’s a transition from the linear, step-by-step progression to a dynamic surge forward, readying our clients for a new chapter of expansion. This is where Journey steps in, ready to fuel the fire of growth with strategic marketing and creative innovation.

The Three Dots: A Narrative of Progression

  • The First Dot: This marks the moment when our clients achieve product-market fit, demonstrating their value in the marketplace.
  • The Second Dot: This signifies significant milestones like securing funding, representing a critical juncture where clients are poised for their next growth phase.
  • The Third Dot: Symbolising the exponential leap, it denotes the point where we amplify our clients' trajectory, propelling them beyond expectations.

Charting a Continuous Course: Beyond Fixed Destinations

Our logo zooms out from the concept of a fixed destination.

The three dots serve as dynamic waypoints on an ever-evolving path that we go on with our clients. 

In contrast to our previous 'X' marks the spot logo, the trio of dots symbolises an endless journey. It underscores our commitment to guiding our clients through transformative growth, not just to singular achievements but through the countless stages of their business evolution.

Our logo is more than just an image; it is a covenant — a promise that Journey is unwavering in catalysing and accelerating growth. 

It is a pledge to assist our clients in not merely advancing but soaring to new heights.

Punk Rock Values: The Origin of Our Brand

The Birth of an Idea

A brand is more than just a logo, and our journey to a punk-inspired brand began with a simple idea: to create an identity that would resonate with both our team and our clients. We sought to capture the rebellious and innovative spirit that drives our founder-based audience, uniting us under a common philosophy.

The Spark of Inspiration

As we embarked on the creative application of our new brand, we drew inspiration from the raw, DIY energy of 1970s punk posters. 

These iconic visuals were more than just images; they were manifestos, declarations of independence, and fervent calls to action. Their boldness and urgency spoke to us, compelling us to infuse our brand with a similar sense of rebellion.

From Concept to Reality

Inspired by punk poster art, we meticulously developed a visual language that honours the punk ethos while adapting it to the modern digital age.

One of the key elements we've embraced is Vintage Cut-outs, featuring carefully selected words and phrases from 1940s and 50s publications, adding a touch of curiosity and innovation to our brand while aligning with our founder-based audience.

These are all hand-cut phrases from magazine clippings I’ve discovered in antique stores and markets and kept aside over the years, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use for a project. 

Similarly, we use Black Tape as a visual guide, signalling new sections in digital content, akin to labelling a guitar case or a toolbox, we use these elements for easy navigation on websites and within documents.

Our use of Black and White Halftone Cutouts pays tribute to halftone printing and the creative remixing of limited materials used by punk artists of the 70s. It also serves a practical purpose to unify visuals from varying sources (remote team!) and adding depth and intrigue. 

Our Hand-drawn Marker and Pen elements inject a human touch into our digital designs, highlighting essential elements like CTA buttons and headline keywords.

These are just some of the elements that come together and infuse our brand with a sense of history, innovation, and a tactile dimension, bridging the past with the present.

Anti-Agency Approach: Challenging the Norms

A Shared Commitment

In parallel, we cultivated our anti-agency approach, forged from our determination to challenge the conventional norms of the marketing industry. 

Traditional agencies, often bound by rigid structures and slow response times, couldn't keep up with the dynamic landscape. Having witnessed these shortcomings firsthand, we set out to offer something different.

Integration and Goal Orientation

Our commitment to clients is unwavering. We integrate seamlessly into their teams, functioning as their outsourced growth marketing department. 

This integration allows us to provide the expertise of strategists, specialists, and executors—all at the cost of a single full-time hire. We prioritise communication, participation in stand-ups, and rapid responsiveness. We're not just a service provider; we're partners, invested in our clients' success.

Leadership Insights

Trent - Founder/Director

"I love our new brand and identity. I’ve always been the guy scrapping his way through his career, a rebel with a cause, building the car while we’re driving it. 

Our new brand encapsulates our attitude and approach to guerrilla marketing and problem-solving.

While it's visually polished, it intentionally showcases a punk aesthetic. 

I was the guy wearing ripped jeans at a keynote in Latvia in front of 800 accountants—ripped jeans was the brand. 

For me, it was a way to project a bit of a bad-boy persona, someone confident, unafraid to break the rules, and think outside the box to execute some of the most unorthodox campaigns in the accounting SaaS industry.

We were always finding ways to growth hack our way through problems and we created a space where it was okay to break stuff if it meant we were learning and pushing for a bigger goal—break it, learn from it, go again, adapt, adapt, adapt.

Then COVID happened, and guess what? We had one of our biggest sales years ever. We challenged ourselves, picked up our tools, and got to work with what we had in front of us.

I love the new brand; I think it’s a great representation of who we are and what clients can expect when working with us."

Chad - Head of Brand and Creative

"My approach to branding is all about exploring the abstract, turning over stones that others may not, and communicating those ideas in a simple way. 

The intersection of different branches of thinking is where genius happens. This is where brands create new categories for themselves, cutting their own path. Iconic brands are born by appealing to those who resonate with bold decisions and leadership.

The punk idea refused to go away, persisting under many stones despite my attempts to set it aside. It evolved and moulded into what it is now—a handsome brand with many paths leading back to the original nucleus of the idea. At its core, it embodies an authentic, rebellious spirit of innovation. 

There’s always risk in doing something new, but there’s also risk in doing the same old thing. I could talk about this endlessly, but suffice it to say that we chose to bet the house on authenticity and swinging big.

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